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Symbol based Stories
Literacy Kits for Young Children - includes book reading board, communication board, book and suggested props!
Symbol Boards for Learning
Symbols Boards for Cooking
Wisconsin Assistive Technology Iniative
Assistive Technology Ning for Wisconsin
SETBC - Learning activities and resources for students with special needs
PictureSET - is a collection of downloadable visual supports that can be used by students for both receptive and expressive communication in the classroom, at home, and in the community. This searchable database allows you to find a wide range of useful visual supports for different curriculum areas, activities, and events. PictureSET resources are created and updated by dedicated professionals working with students in British Columbia.
curriculumSET - is a collection of resources that facilitate the sharing of customized technology-based content among educators working with students who use assistive technology. This searchable database enables educators to find, download, and customize activities, templates and public domain accessible books based on the ten areas of the curriculum as set out by the BC Ministry of Education. curriculumSET resources are created and updated by dedicated professionals working with students in British Columbia.
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